Friday, May 20, 2016

Ranking the Marvel cinematic movieverse

For shits and giggles, I'm sending my movie rankings out into the world. This is just the movies and not the tv series like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D because I haven't seen most of them.
I've got spoilers in the below, so if you haven't seen all the movies, you really should anyway.

So, ranking from the worst to the best...

13. Captain America: The First Avenger

This movie. That effect of his head on a boy body.  That is all.

This is not good.

I did like when he got all buffed up on steroids to become Cap,  and I liked the foray into propaganda (as this is pretty much Captain America's origin!)

Best Part: Steroided supermen
Worst part: the stupid tiny body effect.

12. Iron Man 3

This one doesn't fly. Literally. He's Iron Man for like 5 minutes. I don't like the Mandarin, I don't like the ending filled with crappy Iron Man suits that crumple like tinfoil.
Guy Pearce was giving me shades of Jim Carrey as the Riddler. 

Best Part: the part where they sky dive.
Worst part: the ending.

11. The Incredible Hulk

I think this one is so low because me as a person just doesn't connect with it. I don't know. I can't think of a particular moment that I disliked. Nor one that really engaged me. It's just a bit of a snooze for me.

10. Thor: The Dark World

I had to look this one up because I couldn't remember what happened in it, all I remembered was a general feeling of confusion alongside "oooh portals!"

I just wiki'd and I still don't know. A dark elf wants to just generally kill everything...? Eh.  It's got Loki in it! And Natalie Portman is charming.

Best Part: Kat Dennings. "Meow meow?"
Worst part: I forget. Perhaps the fog of confusion.


9. Iron man 2

Hahahaha Mickey Rouke with the whips! This one is just a fun movie. I just like it. It's just goofy and good to watch.

Best Part: "I vant my boord"
Worst part: His father hid the message in a diorama of an old Stark Expo? Also, honorable mention to Pepper Potts.

8. Avengers: Age of Ultron

Yes I know this is pretty soon on a list from worst to best.
I think the problem with this is that I saw it after Winter Soldier. And man, my expectations were HIGH. I'd seen the trailers, I knew Joss was on board for it, I was pumped for this movie.
And it just didn't. quite. deliver.
Don't get me wrong, there are things I like about this movie. The first fight sequence in the snow? Still exciting.
#1 I didn't like the soap. I didn't like Hawkeye's secret family, I felt it was odd and out of place and slowed everything down. I didn't like Black Widow and Banner's interactions so much, they didn't quite work. The movie feels like it's trying to constantly push the sads on you (Natasha's red room, Bruce's inability to love his green self) but there's not enough time so it ... it's just there. Suddenly sads. And then it just gets cracking on with the actual plot. There's not enough time to do it, so don't do it. I don't think Avengers is the time for it because there is already SO MUCH going on, which leads me to #2...
 #2 there is too much going on. Stark has to create Ultron in reaction to a vision he had and its not working and then it just suddenly works for some reason and Ultron is immediately evil. Then we meet a secret family! Then there's Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. They're evil but then they're not. There's Ultron wanting a body. Natasha and Banner are off having the sads in a corner. Then they're trying to set up civil war. Infinity stones! Then Vision appears. Then Quicksilver dies. TOO MUCH.
#3 ULTRON. Ultron. When you break down his plan, it is this: He wants to chunk out a city, raise it into the air, and then slam that city back into the Earth like a meteor to create an extinction level event.
He's a super intelligent being and that's his plan? To save the world you have to destroy it? Maybe I play too many games, because this just seems ...done. Final fantasy did it many times before.

Best part: Basically it's just a massive fight scene.
Worst part: Secret family super fun happy hour. Stupid city meteor idea.

7. Iron Man 

Gotta give the original props. Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man is casting genius. He's made for that role, and it's on Tony Stark's back that this movie was a success, and the rest of the universe could germinate. 

The story line is pretty basic compared to what we've grown into in the cinematic universe, but it's still incredibly engaging. When he's in the cave building the arc reactor, when he finds out his weapons are being used, when he's building the suit, those moments still rival most things in the universe today.

Best Part: Tony Stark learning how the suit works. Also, the press conference.
Worst Part: I actually can't think of any right now.

6. Marvel's The Avengers

This movie was just so exciting because it put all these characters, characters we'd been watching in different movies, and shoved them all together in this big exciting ball. We'd never seen that before. All the after credits cut scenes had been teasing this movie. And it didn't disappoint. It was amazing to see it in cinemas.

Best Part: Black Widow jumping up into character status and not just "hot chick" status. Black Widow not having a romantic interest. The climactic fight.
Worst Part: This was pre-Winter Soldier so I wasn't that into Cap. I should rewatch this.

5. Thor

I know this is really high on the list, much higher than most people would rate it. I give it a lot of props for its weird, fantastical element. It's tonal weirdness of high fantasy and a fish-out-of-water romance/coming of age just appeals to me.

The visuals of Heimdall, the bifrost, Asguard are just gorgeous. Contrasting that with the emptiness of this small town in New Mexico just adds to the strangeness beating at this movie's core.

I buy Thor's goofiness, and I buy his growth from an arrogant, war-baiting manchild into someone worthy of Mjolnir (Meow meow). I buy Hemsworth and Portman's chemistry and Loki is probably the best Marvel villain to date (within the movieverse) with a memorable purpose.

I love the art in this.

Best part: Sacrificing the bifrost to stop Loki, Heimdall just being awesome, Loki natch, visuals. Sif. Frigga. Odin. Odin's eyepatch.
Worst part: There's not much I don't like.

4. Ant-Man

Following the box office smashing Age of Ultron is not an easy task. But Ant-Man is such a great story because it brings the stakes back to a personal level. Scott Lang's not really saving the world, he's trying to find a place in it for himself, a place that he can be proud of for his daughter. Those are the real stakes.

Michael Douglas and Paul Rudd are the shit in this. They take this incredibly goofy theme and just own it and make it badass.

Best part: I got sad over Antony. Damn you! Loved the visuals when he's small. The humour.
Worst part: The villain, whatever his name was.

3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

This started the shift in the Marvel universe to become a bit more gritty and realistic. It's like a spy movie, mixed with political intrigue and a darker tone. This movie is incredibly well paced. I thought Cap was boring before this. Him questioning what he believes is very interesting.
There are problems with the story but it's easy to overlook because it's so darn entertaining.

Best part: Cap kicking ass in the elevator. Nick Fury kicking ass in the car scene. Black Widow/Cap friendship.
Worst part: He hid the key to everything in the vending machine? Also, Hydra is part of Shield for DECADES and did NOTHING.

2. Captain America: Civil War

Great political story that's just been building. Seeing real world reactions to the devastation, seeing consequences for actions, was really great.  They built the central conflict well. They introduced Black Panther and Spiderman easily, it didn't feel out of place or character fatigue like AoU. The fight scenes were perfection, and a storyline focused on themes like friendship and vengeance was welcome. It was well paced for the most part.

Best part: Black Panther. Banter during the fight scenes (even Spiderman and I'm not really a fan)
Worst part: Weird pacing in the Scarlet Witch/Vision scenes. 

1. Guardians of the Galaxy

The weirdness of this movie makes my little heart sing. A plucky, geeky sci fi that is worlds away from the other Marvel movieverse, it's really a story about people trying to find a purpose and a reason to stop running, aimlessly scared, about cobbling together a family. It's full of oddballs, one of the main characters is a racoon, and it glorifies violence (literally, Batista is clapping and cheering as they mow down villains with a spaceship). It's a space opera with pop culture references and scored with 70s and 80s songs. It was the second best selling soundtrack behind Frozen, and none of the songs were new.
It leans into it's camp and still manages to make you sad over a tree. The main villain is a bore but you don't care because FRIENDSHIP.


Best Part: Too many to list. Dance off against villain. Batista not getting figures of speech. Gamora. Quill. Costuming. Art. Pacing.
Worst Part: Villain maybe, but who cares, he's basically a McGuffin.

And that's it! Those are my picks so far!

All caps are from

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